- Imag’Aînés 2013-2014 (2015)
Outil d’analyse et d’animation sur l’image et la place des aînés dans la société……
(Source: Enéo, Mouvement Social des Aînés)
- Making Your Community Livable for All Ages: What’s Working! (2015)
Some key strategies for advancing effective local work to make communities livable in an aging America……
(Source: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging)
- I’M[age] - Les Générations en Questions (2014)
Fruit d’une collaboration entre Enéo et Cultures&Santé, ce guide d’animation permet de croiser les regards de différentes générations et d’enrichir les représentations qu’elles ont les unes des autres (outil téléchargeable)……
(Source: Cultures&Santé)
- Active Ageing Index 2012 for 27 EU Member States
The Active Ageing Index is a tool that offers national and European policy makers a way to measure the active ageing potential of the older population……
(Source: European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)
- Bringing Generations Together in Wales (2012)
This guide aims to provide some pointers and hints on what makes intergenerational work successful and includes some useful case studies providing examples of ‘what works’……
(Source: Generations Working Together)
- A Guide to Intergenerationnal Practice (2011)
The purpose of this Guide is to introduce some of the fundamental elements of Intergenerational Practice to be of practical use……
(Source: Centre for Intergenerational Practice)
- Discrimination Fondée sur l'Age (2010)
De quoi s'agit-il et comment y réagir? Informations et conseils pratiques……
(Source: Centre pour l'Egalité des Chances et la Lutte contre le Racisme)
- Evaluating Intergenerational Projects: A Practical Guide to Useful Resources (2009)
This guide has been developed as a practical support for people involved in intergenerational projects……
(Source: Beth Johnson Foundation)
- Guide of Ideas for Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Projects. Together, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2009)
Didactic resources to be used by researchers, local authorities and institutions in direct contact with younger and elder generations……
(Source: MAinstreaming InTErgenerational Solidarity Project)
- The EAGLE Toolkit for Intergenerational Activities (2008)
A framework for practitioners, policy makers and educators, who want to develop and/or implement intergenerational programmes……
(Source: European Approaches to Inter-Generational Lifelong Learning)
- A Guide to Mentoring Across the Generations (2008)
A useful introduction to intergenerational mentoring of interest to practitioners, managers and volunteers……
(Source: Generations Working Together)
- Adding Value by Joining Generations. An Intergenerational Approach (2007)
Age Concern England’s booklet for organisations that are new to intergenerational activity who wish to start up a project of their own……
(Source: Age Concern England)
- Community Toolbox for Intergenerational Collaboration: Intergenerational Web Links (2007)
A range of intergenerational programs as well as different types of organizations involved……
(Source: Fraser Basin Council)
- Community Toolbox for Intergenerational Collaboration: Intergenerational Annotated Bibliography (2007)
This monograph is organized into four areas: benefits and impacts; community and service learning; intergenerational programming at school; and frameworks and guidelines……
(Source: Fraser Basin Council)
- Community Toolbox for Intergenerational Collaboration: Intergenerational Resources (2007)
Resources and ideas to inspire organizations to look at ways to add an intergenerational component to their programming……
(Source: Fraser Basin Council)
- Together we Can Make it Happen. An Intergenerational Approach (2006)
Age Concern England’s introduction to intergenerational practice and the value of using an intergenerational approach……
(Source: Age Concern England)
- Répertoire des Pratiques Intergénérationnelles en Communauté Française (2006)
Ce répertoire reprend les acteurs qui, en Communauté française de Belgique, s’attellent à promouvoir les relations intergénérationnelles……
(Source: Entr’Ages)
- How Do you Know that Intergenerational Practice Works? (2004)
Beth Johnson Foundation’s guide to getting started on evaluating intergenerational practice……
(Source: Beth Johnson Foundation)
Documents partagés : méthodes et outils
GENERATIONS Louvain-La-Neuve