- World Population Ageing 2017
This report updates the 2015 edition of World Population Ageing……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division)
- World Population Ageing 2015
This report updates the 2013 edition of World Population Ageing……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division)
- World Population Ageing 2013
This report, which updates the 2007 and 2009 editions, provides a description of global trends in population ageing and includes new features on the socio-economic and health aspects of ageing……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division)
- Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations – A Statistical Portrait of the European Union 2012
Eurostat is marking the European Year by publishing this book which contains statistics on topics such as demography, healthcare, pensions, volunteering and adult learning……
(Source: European Commission, Eurostat)
- Population Ageing and Development 2012
This chart contains up-to-date demographic indicators of the older population around the world……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division, ST/ESA/SER.A/323)
- World Population Ageing 2009
This report updates the 2007 edition of World Population Ageing……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division)
- Population Ageing and Development 2009
This chart contains demographic indicators of the older population around the world……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division, ST/ESA/SER.A/290)
- Demography Report 2008: Meeting Social Needs in an Ageing Society
This executive summary focuses on the ageing society and changing family and household patterns in the EU……
(Source: Commission of the European Communities, SEC(2008) 2911)
- World Population Ageing 2007
This executive summary provides a description of global trends in population ageing and includes key indicators of the ageing process around the world……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division)
- Why Population Aging Matters. A Global Perspective (2007)
This report identifies nine emerging trends in global aging that are transforming the world in fundamental ways……
(Source: National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, NO. 07-6134)
- Le Développement Durable dans un Monde Vieillissant. Vue d’Ensemble (2007)
Possibilités et défis liés au vieillissement des populations en fonction de la situation économique et sociale dans le monde……
(Source: Nations Unies, Division des Politiques et de l’Analyse du Développement)
- L’Avenir Démographique de l’Europe. Transformer un Défi en Opportunité (2006)
Principales tendances et perspectives du vieillissement démographique en Europe……
(Source: Commission Européenne, document établi sur la base du COM(2006) 571 final)
- Population Ageing 2006
Description of world population ageing in developed and developing countries……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division, ST/ESA/SER.A/251)
- A Demographic Revolution (2005)
The demographic revolution in pictures: World’s population by development groups and major areas……
(Source: United Nations, Programme on Ageing)
- Face aux Changements Démographiques, une Nouvelle Solidarité entre Générations (2005)
Questions soulevées par le vieillissement démographique européen et priorités envisagées par le “Livre Vert” de la Commission……
(Source: Commission Européenne, document établi sur la base du COM(2005) 94 final)
- World Population Ageing: 1950-2050
This report was prepared as a contribution to the 2002 World Assembly on Ageing ……
(Source: United Nations, Population Division)
Documents partagés : contexte démographique
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