Doctoral School of Management
May 30, 2017
Program in pdf
Registration form
Presentation Abstracts in pdf
12:00 Welcome Sandwich lunch
13:00 Introduction to the Doctoral Forum by DSM President
Prof. Per AGRELL - UCLouvain - LSM
13:15 My research in 180s contest
Kamila MOULAÏ – UCLouvain – LouRIM (CRECIS)
Bolognese Sauce to Reconcile Companies with Self-initiated Expatriates -
Christophe DESAGRE - UCLouvain – IMMAQ (LFIN)
The Impact of Technological Innovations in Financial Markets -
GI-Tropos: Aligning Requirements-Driven Software Processes with IT Governance -
Improving Supply Chain Efficiency Using Horizontal Cooperation -
Roxane DE HOE - UCLouvain – LouRIM (CRECIS)
Failure as a Step towards Success -
Nabil BOUMESSAOUDI - UMons (Finance)
The impact of Financial information on share price: Case Study Casablanca Stock Exchange.
Amélie WUILLAUME - UCLouvain – LouRIM (CRECIS)
Crowdfunding? A story of words
14:00 Thematic workshops
- Operations and information systems (session chair: Manuel Kolp)
- Hassan HAIDAR – UCLouvain – LouRIM (CEMIS)
AMITS³: an Agile Product Line Engineering Approach - Vu NGUYEN HUYNH ANH – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CEMIS)
GI-Tropos: Aligning Requirements-Driven Software Processes with IT Governance - Thomas HACARDIAUX – UCLouvain - IMMAQ (CORE)
The Benefits of Horizontal Cooperation for Supply Chain Management.
A Supply Chain Network Design Model to Assess the Benefits of Horizontal Cooperation
- Consumer behavior issues (session chair: Julie Hermans)
- Pauline MUNTEN - UCLouvain - LouRIM (CERMA)
Curbing product obsolescence: how and why reparability information impact product perceived quality and consumers’ purchase intentions - Iskra HERAK – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CERMA)
Perception of humanness in advertisement - Etienne DENIS – UCLouvain – LouRIM (CERMA)
When social recognition inhibits prosocial behaviors: the case of charitable giving? - Fanny CAMBIER – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CERMA)
Non-participants and brands’ communication of co-creational efforts: a matter of trust.
- Organizational strategy (session chair: Karine Charry)
- Paulami MITRA – UCLouvain – LouRIM, IESEG School of Management, France
The antecedents and the process of hybrid organising in social entrepreneurship
- Cécile GODFROID – UMons
Facilitating Organizational Identification in Hybrid Organizations:
Managerial Actions, Essential Actors and Reinforcing Factors.
- Nathanaël BETTI – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CRECIS)
The relationship between the organizational strategy and culture and the internal audit scope and role: An exploratory research.
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Thematic workshops continued
- E-business (session chair: Amélie Jacquemin)
- Thomas LECLERCQ – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CERMA)
Gamification, a flawless strategy?
- Pauline CLAEYS – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CERMA)
Product Placement in the e-fluencer landscape
- Finance (session chair: Per Agrell)
Cyrille DOSSOUGOIN – UCLouvain – LFIN (CORE)
Measuring sovereign risk spillovers and assessing the role of transmission channels: A spatial econometrics approach -
Christophe DESAGRE – UCLouvain – IMMAQ (LFIN)
Essays on technological innovations in finance: Do retail investors still look at financial statements? - Nabil BOUMESSAOUDI - UMons
Financial Information Vs. Non-Financial Information
Case Study: Casablanca Stock Exchange
- Organizational network and employee issues (session chair: Frank Janssen)
- Alice SANNA – UCLouvain - LouRIM (FIN)
The Financing systems of students’ mobility. A study case: Ecuador - Kamila MOULAÏ – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CRECIS)
Self-initiated expatriation: Why is it crucial to understand this trend in terms of geographic job mobility?
- Charlotte DE KORT – UCLouvain - LouRIM (CRECIS)
Management of inter-organizational networks: a case study
17:00 Award presentation for the contest My research in 180s and closing drink
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7000 Mons