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Bruxelles Woluwe

Selected publications

  1. Anrys P, Strauven G, Boland B, Dalleur O, Declercq A, Degryse JM, De Lepeleire J, Henrard S, Lacour V, Simoens S, Speybroeck N, Vanhaecht K, Foulon V, Spinewine A. Collaborative approach to Optimise MEdication use for Older people in Nursing homes (COME-ON): study protocol of a cluster controlled trial. Implement Sci. 2016;11:35
  2. Beuscart JB, Knol W, Cullinan S, Schneider C, Dalleur O, Boland B, Thevelin S, Jansen P, O'Mahony D, Rodondi N, Spinewine A. International core outcome set for clinical trials of medication review in multi-morbid older patients with polypharmacy. BMC Medicine, In Press
  3. Dalleur O, Beeler PE, Schnipper JL, Donzé J. 30-day potentially avoidable readmissions due to adverse drug events. J Patient Saf. 2017 [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Dalleur O, Boland B, De Groot A, Vaes B, Boeckxstaens P, Azermai M, Wouters D, Degryse JM, Spinewine A. Detection of potentially inappropriate prescribing in the very old: cross-sectional analysis of the data from the BELFRAIL observational cohort study. BMC Geriatr. (2015) Dec 2; 15: 156.
  5. Dalleur O, Boland B, Losseau C, Henrard S, Wouters D, Speybroeck N, Degryse JM, Spinewine A. Reduction of potentially inappropriate medications using the STOPP criteria in frail older inpatients: a randomised controlled study. Drugs Aging (2014), 31: 291-8.
  6. Goderis G, Vaes B, Van den Akker M, Elli S, Mathieu C, Buntinx F, Henrard S. Factors associated with Prolonged Inaction in the hypoglycaemic treatment in people with non-insulin dependent Type 2 Diabetes and elevated glycated haemoglobin: A registry-based cohort study. Prim Care Diabetes. 2017;11(5):482-9.
  7. Henrard S, Vandenabeele C, Marien S, Boland B, Dalleur O. Underuse of anticoagulation in older patients with atrial fibrillation and CHADS2 score ≥ 2: Are we doing better since the marketing of direct oral anticoagulants? Drugs Aging. 2017;34(11):841-50.
  8. Henrard S, Vandenabeele C, Marien S, Boland B, Dalleur O. Underuse of anticoagulation in older patients with atrial fibrillation and CHADS2 Score ≥ 2: Are we doing better since the marketing of direct oral anticoagulants? Drugs Aging. 2017;34(11):841-50.
  9. Henrard S, Devleesschauwer B, Beutels P, Callens M, De Smet F, Hermans C, Speybroeck N. The health and economic burden of haemophilia in Belgium: A rare, expensive and challenging disease. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9:39.
  10. Henrard S, Sepybroeck N, Hermans C. Impact of being underweight or overweight on factor VIII dosing in haemophilia A patients. Haematologica. 2013;98(9):1481-6.
  11. Marien S, Krug B, Spinewine A. Electronic tools to support medication reconciliation: a systematic review. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2017; 24:227-40
  12. Sennesael AL., Dogné JM., Spinewine A. Optimizing the Safe Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Older Patients: A Teachable Moment. JAMA Intern Med. (2015), 175: 1608-9.
    Slight SP, Beeler PE, Seger DL, Amato MG, Her QL, Swerdloff M, Dalleur O, Nanji KC, Cho I, Maniam N, Eguale T, Fiskio JM, Dykes PC, Bates DW. A cross-sectional observational study of high override rates of drug allergy alerts in inpatient and outpatient settings, and opportunities for improvement. BMJ Qual Saf. 2017;26(3):217-25.
  13. Spinewine A., Schmader K.E., Barber N., Hughes C., Lapane K.L., Swine C., Hanlon J.T. Appropriate prescribing in elderly people: how well can it be measured and optimised? Lancet (2007), 370: 173-84.
  14. Vanbeselaere V, Truyers C, Elli S, Buntinx F, De Witte H, Degryse J, Henrard S, Vaes B. Association between atrial fibrillation, anticoagulation, risk of cerebrovascular events and multimorbidity in general practice: a registry-based study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2016;16:61.