
The Institute of Political Science Louvain-Europe (known by the French acronym ISPOLE) brings together researchers working on political and policy-related issues at national, European and international level from a multidisciplinary perspective and covering a wide range of topics, such as power; political identities; collective memory; political institutions, players and behaviour (voting behaviour, political participation, etc.); domestic and international conflicts; European integration; foreign policy and diplomacy; globalisation; regionalism; humanitarian aid; public policies (public administration and management), and territorial governance. Special attention is devoted to the methodological aspects of the research: qualitative and quantitative methods are developed and implemented for both comparative research and case studies.

Spread over two campuses – Louvain-la-Neuve and Mons – the Institute comprises more than 80 scholars. An administrative staff of five provides organisational, editorial and logistical support. On a day-to-day basis, the Institute provides its researchers with a wide range of shared facilities to help them manage research projects and establish partnerships within or outside UCL. Research is conducted within the six research centres: the Centre for International Crisis and Conflict Studies (CECRI), the Centre for Political Science and Comparative Politics (CESPOL), the Montesquieu Centre for Public Policy Studies (CMAP), the Centre for European Studies (CEE), the Louvain Research Centre for Global and Comparative Studies (Globalit), and the Centre for Development Studies (DVLP).

Find an overview of ISPOLE's activities

Institut de sciences politiques Louvain-Europe

Human Sciences


Virginie Van Ingelgom

Chantal Herman

Collège Jacques Leclercq
Place Montesquieu 1, mailbox L2.08.07,
1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

+32 10 47 46 03