This axis is framed into a multidisciplinary approach involving researchers with different backgrounds, and is focused on four levels of action: clinical, services, inter-organizational and policy levels.
COFI: "Comparing policy framework, structure, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of functional and integrated systems of mental health care"
International research project funded by the FP7 UE framework, coordinated by the Unit of Social and Community Psychiatry of the Queen Mary University of London (Pr. S. Priebe) (2014-2018). The main aim of the research is to compare two systems for providing continuity of care in the transition between inpatient and outpatient care for chronic and Severe Mentally-Ill (SMI) patients. The integrated system supports the personal continuity of care, with at least one clinician involved in inpatient and subsquent outpatient care, whereas the functional system, involving different teams, facilitates specialised care continuity. These two systems coexist in five European countries (United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and Poland). However, these countries differ greatly in terms of health systems, funding schemes, and care provision. Data on more than 7,500 hospitalised psychiatric patients have been collected between October 2014 and December 2015, among whom more than 1,000 in Belgium. A follow-up data collection is currently ongoing in order to assess the subsequent use of care during the year after the hospital stay. Clinical and social outcomes will be assessed, as well as measurements on the use of services, quality of care, quality of life, and satisfaction with care. Comparative analyses across systems will be carried out nationally and internationally. Specific work packages of the project also address systems of care, the cost-effectiveness of the two systems, and a qualitative appraisal of clinicians' and patients' views.
Team: Pr. V. Lorant en Belgique (resp.), P. Nicaise, F. Wyngaerden, D. Bourmorck, M. Molera-Gui, P. Smith and C. Walker.
More information: Pablo Nicaise
- For-Care Study on care pathways and settings for detained mentally disordered offenders ("internees") in Belgium
National research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Public Health, coordinated by the VUB (Pr. M. Leys) and the IRSS (2016-2018). The research is a processual, realist evaluation of the current reform policy aiming at providing a better care access to the "internees", i.e. detained mentally disordered offenders. New legal and care facilities are being implemented within the broader framework of the generic mental-health care provision reform. The research project is grounded in implementation science, and evaluates these new settings in a realist perspective (“What works for whom, in what circumstances, in what respects, and how?”) and within an international benchmark. The IRSS team is specifically involved in the assessment of care pathways and the development of a monitoring system for routine assessment.
Team: Pr. Lorant (resp.), P. Nicaise, D. M. Molera-Gui
More information: Pablo Nicaise
- "Drugroom : Etude de faisabilité de la mise en place de salles de consommation d'opiacés à moindre risque pour toxicomanes en Belgique (2017-2018)"
Team: P. Nicaise, P. Smith
More information: P. Nicaise.
- Morpheus: "MObilisation du REseau par les USagers", is a study on social support networks of psychiatric patients, and their influence on continuity of care.
Networking data have been collected between 2012 and 2015 on 380 psychiatric users in three sites (Brussels, Namur, and Manage) with the help of a participant-assisted sociogram technique. Data are currently analysed with Social Network Analysis. The study assesses several hypotheses on the influence of patients' social support network structure on continuity of care capacities of the care system, in particular the involvement of the patient in his/her own network. The tool also facilitates social and psychological interventions with the patients.
This research has been funded by the FNRS, the Scientific Funds of the 'Frères de la Charité', the Epsylon Group, and the 'Hôpital psychiatrique du Beau-Vallon'.
Team: Pr. V. Lorant,Pr. V. Dubois (resp.), F. Wyngaerden
More information: François Wyngaerden
-Organisation of adult mental health care in Belgium: advantages, barriers, gaps, and overlaps in the current supply of mental health care services, KCE project KCE (2017-2018).
Assessment of the advantages, barriers, gaps, and overlaps in the current supply of mental health care services as it is implemented in the 22 areas covered by the reform of mental health care. The research is mainly based on qualitative data on local stakeholders' views, and a confirmatory study based on potential scenarios for development.
Team: Pr. V. Lorant, Dr. Pablo Nicaise, Pr. Sophie Thunus, C. Walker and P. Smith.
More information: Dr. Pablo Nicaise
-Parcours@bxl : qualitative study of mental-health users' care trajectories in Brussels.
Team: Pr. Sophie Thunus, C. Walker, Dr. Pablo Nicaise.
More information: Pr. Sophie Thunus
-Egonet: "Promoting social support network mapping with severe mentally ill patients to improve care coordination, patient involvement, and personalised care".
-Appropriate care delivery for users with complex, long-term needs combining health, mental health, and social issues, require coordination across care providers, individualised care, and the involvement of the user and his/her social support network. The knowledge and understanding of the social support network of patients is often lacking. Following the "Morpheus" project, this study aims to develop, facilitate, and assess a computer tool to collect, describe, visualise, and analyse patients' social support network in routine practice.
Team: Pr. V. Lorant, Dr. Pablo Nicaise, F. Wyngaerden
More information: Dr. Pablo Nicaise
"Accompagnement scientifique des projets de soins intégrés pour les maladies chroniques" :
Team UCL: Jean Macq (resp.), Thérèse Van Durme et Lucia Alvarez-Irusta.
More information: Thérèse Van Durme
"Evaluation scientifique d'intervention alternative de soins pour le maintien des personnes âgées fragiles à domicile"
Team (UCL coordinator): Jean Macq, Thérèse Van Durme, Sophie Cès et Anne-Sophie Lambert
More information: Thérèse Van Durme
"Etude d'implantation d'un modèle de prise en charge psycho-médico-sociale au niveau du centre de santé: le cas des personnes avec maladies chroniques et du couple mère-enfant malnutri, au Sud-Kivu, RDC" A partir de mai 2017"
Team: Jean Macq (resp.)
More information: Jean Macq
"Développement et validation d’un instrument pour évaluer la qualité de vie en soins palliatifs pédiatrique". Fonds Marguerite-Marie Delacroix (2015-2017)
Team: I. Aujoulat, M. Friedel
More information: Marie Friedel
"Recensement des enfants ayant une maladie limitant/menaçant la vie en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, susceptibles d’être éligibles aux soins palliatifs pédiatriques". Recherche menée en collaboration avec les 8 hôpitaux de la Région bruxelloise ayant un département pédiatrique. Fédération bruxelloise des soins palliatifs-FBSP (2016-2017).
Team: I. Aujoulat, Marie Friedel
More information: I. Aujoulat
"Enquête nationale en ligne sur les soins appropriés/non appropriés en fin de vie"" Centre fédéral d’expertise en soins de santé - KCE (2016-2017).
Team: Pr. J. Wens (Antwerp University, project coordinator), I. Aujoulat , O. Schmit
More information: I. Aujoulat