The Institute of Health and Society Research is composed of several bodies :
1) President : Niko Speybroeck
Secretariat : Nicole Joris-Dessy
2) Office
The representatives of the permanent academic and scientific body Niko Speybroeck President Jean-Marie Degryse Emmanuel de Becker Marie de Saint Hubert William D'Hoore |
Representatives of the temporary scientific body Representative Brice Lepièce Substitute Adeline Grard |
Administrative Coordinator CAI Nathalie Chaidron |
Logistics and Accounting Unit CLC Djamila Taimount |
The representatives of the administrative and technical body Representative Regina Below Substitute
3) Council
President : Niko Speybroeck
The permanent academics Anne Wintgens |
Permanent scientists Joana De Carvalho |
The representatives CORSCI Ségolène Malengreaux |
The representatives CORTA Alexandre Audibert |
4) General assembly : all members of the l'IRSS
Acte fondateur + Règlement d'ordre intérieur (ROI)
Note sur le rattachement, l'affectation et l'affiliation (Conseil académique du 24 novembre 2008)