10th Biennial Joanna Briggs Colloquium
The Belgian Inter-university Collaboration for Evidence-based Practice (BICEP), a JBI Centre of Excellence, is delighted to be hosting in collaboration with the Belgian Cochrane Center (CEBAM), the 10th Biennial Joanna Briggs Colloquium in Antwerp, Belgium, 2-4 May 2018. With international plenary Key Speakers followed by special sessions in the afternoon, this event provides a unique platform to exchange ideas and showcase experiences and lessons learned for implementing Evidence-based practice in a manner that contributes to effective policy, procedure and programs.
JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program
Prior to the Colloquium from April 24 - 28, the Joanna Briggs Institute will conduct a ‘Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program’. This opportunity is available to anyone wanting to learn how to conduct robust systematic reviews of different evidence types in order to provide the strongest possible evidence to inform decision making or clinical guidelines in healthcare.
The GRADE approach workshop
Following the Colloquium on May 5, myself Associate Professor Zachary Munn (Director Transfer Science – JBI Adelaide) along with Professor Holger J Schunemann (Chair of Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics at McMaster University) will be presenting the ‘GRADE’ approach – Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development & Evaluation. GRADE reflects ‘best practice’ in terms of clinical guideline development and has been endorsed by organisations across the globe.
We hope your Students, Staff and Colleagues take this opportunity to further develop their knowledge. Please assist us in sharing this information by emailing or posting the above, as well as the GRADE flyer attached.
We look forward to meeting some of you, and if you have any questions about any of these events, please feel free to contact us here at JBI on jbieducations@adelaide.edu.au