

The CECoS aims to promote exchanges and to bring together scientific activities from three research teams studying psychological antecedents and consequences of social behaviors.

Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP Lab)
The members of the WOP lab are developing research in work and organizational psychology. This research aims at studying psychological principles applied to organizational settings, in order to enhance employee well-being and organizational performance.

Team members: Caesens Gaëtane - Annalisa Casini - Desmette Donatienne - Henry Hélène - Herman Ginette - Persenaire Maud - Stinglhamber Florence Arnéguy Elodie

Social Psychology 
The main topics of research of this group are: intergroup relations, stereotypes and discrimination; cognitive bias; conflicts and negotiation; social aspects of emotions; and juridical/criminal psychology.

Team members: Casini Annalisa - Corneille Olivier - Demoulin Stéphanie - Dumas Rafaele - Rimé Bernard - Teixeira Catia - Vermeulen Christophe - Yzerbyt Vincent 


Contact CECoS/CSSB: dominique.dewatines@uclouvain.be