"There is a need for a seed change in the way research is undertaken in Europe to contribute to the solving of global challenges. We can either leave a ‘dark ages’ or an ‘enlightenment’ legacy for those that will follow us. The choice is ours but there is no time to prevaricate!
Above all we need to inspire young people to own their future and to take a holistic approach to research and innovation and not merely a short term pragmatic one." Professor John Wood
The economic downturn has opened a new possibility of forging a collaborative framework and the chance to drive solutions forward. The quote below from Dr Janez Potocnik encapsulates the objectives and opportunities to be discussed at what will be the science and technology event of the year: SciTech Europe 2009: Innovation Across Europe:
'Alongside the freedom of movement of capital, goods, services and labour, we're creating a fifth freedom: the freedom of knowledge. Ideas, technologies, innovation and knowledge workers should be exchanged throughout the EU, boosting our ability compete globally and to develop in a suistainable and equitable manner.'
Dr Janez Potocnik, European Commisioner for Science and Research.
If you are involved in science and technology and would benefit from meeting and networking with 300 fellow professionals from across Europe, then register today for this groundbreaking conference. The day provides a large forum for analysis and discussion on:
- Enhancing the European Science Base
- Collaborative Research
- The development of innovative health solutions in Europe
- The role of the European Research Area
- The development of unique infrastructures to support technological innovations
Click here to view the conference programme
Speakers on the day will include:
- Fotis Kafatos, President of the European Research Council
- Professor Marja Makarow, Chief Executive, European Science Foundation
- Professor Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Professor Dominique Foray, Vice-Chairman of the Knowledge for Growth Group