Figure ground segmentation mechanisms in human visual cortex

Seminaire on "Figure ground segmentation mechanisms in human visual cortex" by Pr. Anthony M. Norcia

A fundamental problem the visual system solves is the segregation of objects from their supporting backgrounds. Using frequency-tagging methods, it is possible to trace neural activity associated with both figure and background regions of simple displays. Figure regions are preferentially processed in lateral cortical regions previously associated with object-level processing. Background regions are routed through a more dorsally located network. Attention to a figure-ground display preferentially modulated figure regions and changes their response dynamics. Neural activity driving perceptual decisions about figure shape is first seen in lateral occipital cortex, but involves areas in frontal and parietal cortex as well.
This seminar takes place at Auditoire Maisin at 6 pm on the 26 Wednesday October.

Published on October 21, 2011