Fundamental research in the field of hydraulics falls within the broader themes of the territory planning and the control of natural hazards for the well-being and the safety of populations. The main themes are flood control and sudden events such as dam or dike breaks. Flood waves are studied both in their hydrodynamic and sedimentary aspects.
Research in the field of soil and rock mechanics deals essentially with the study of thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of natural or artificial materials under various actions and the monitoring of their damage by non-destructive techniques. The fundamental theme in the field of geodynamics concerns the changes in the soil behavior under cyclical and dynamic stresses. The application in relation to this fundamental theme is the dynamic behavior of the foundations under extreme conditions. The fundamental theme in the field of geo-environment concerns the kinetic dispersion of contaminants into the ground. The application in relation to this fundamental theme is the in situ rehabilitation of contaminated grounds.
Researches in the field of Structural Engineering is being carried out on several fronts in collaboration with the LEMSC laboratory, which includes numerous infrastructures and testing machines of all sizes. This researches focus on the optimization of structures (with an emphasis on tensegrity structures), the drone-based additive manufacturing of real scale structures and the development of new construction processes for beech wood multi-storey buildings.