By train
Louvain-la-Neuve is easily accessible by train and its train station is located in the city center.
If you are travelling to Louvain-la-Neuve by train, be sure to ask for a ticket to Louvain-la-Neuve Université and NOT to Louvain (or Leuven in Dutch), which is a different city, and to get on the train to Ottignies.
From any Belgian station, take the train towards Ottignies, a station situated on the Brussels-Namur line. Get off at Ottignies station and change trains to continue to Louvain-la-Neuve Université. Some trains go straight from Brussels to Louvain-la-Neuve but they take more time.
Timetables are available on the SNCB website or by phone (+32 2 528 28 28).
On foot since the station
- Leave the platform of the Louvain-la-Neuve Université station by staircases under the covered passage
- Take on the left and follow the « rue des Wallons » street for 500 m (direction Auditoires Croix du Sud)
- Having left the Sciences square (wooden ground), set to the right after the Salmigondis building
- Cross the parking 11
- Arrived in the middle of the Croix du Sud square, follow the covered passage in the direction of the parking 20, Kellner building (tower D)
- Enter the Mendel building (tower C) to the left on floor d-1
- Take the stairs (or the elevator) up to the 1st floor
- Leaving the stairs, turn right (or to the left when leaving the elevator) to the Kellner building, d+1
- Crossed front doors, the secretariat is directly in your left (place d.101.10)
By car
GPS coordinates of the P20 parking (intersection of the Street Adolphe Quételet and the Avenue Théodore Schwann) : 50°39'54.9"N 4°37'13.1"E
Watch to ask beforehand for an UCL parking sticker with the secretariat.
From Brussels
- Take the E411 motorway towards Namur-Luxembourg
- Take exit 8a marked Louvain-la-Neuve
- In the traffic circle, take the 3rd exit (direction Gembloux)
- Go out before the traffic circle, direction Biéreau (Avenue Baudouin 1st)
- Take the 2nd to the right (Avenue du Jardin botanique)
- Take the 1st to the right (Avenue Théodore Schwann)
- Park your vehicle in the parking 20
From Namur
- Take the E411 motorway towards Brussels
- Take exit 9 marked Corroy-le-Grand/Louvain-la-Neuve
- Set to the left
- In the traffic circle, set to the right to lead you on N4
- In the traffic circle, set to the left, direction Biéreau (Avenue Baudouin 1st)
- Take the 2nd to the right (Avenue du Jardin botanique)
- Take the 1st to the right (Avenue Théodore Schwann)
- Park your vehicle in the parking 20
On foot since the P20 parking
- Enter the Mendel building (tower C) to the left on floor d-1
- Take the stairs (or the elevator) up to the 1st floor
- Leaving the stairs, turn right (or to the left when leaving the elevator) to the Kellner building, d+1
- Crossed front doors, the secretariat is directly in your left (place d.101.10)
By bus
Buses from TEC serve Louvain-la-Neuve from Ottignies, Wavre and some other neighbouring cities (line 20). Timetables are available via TEC website.
On foot since the bus stop Gare d’autobus
- Go to the city center (place des Doyens, Théâtre Jean Vilar, rue du Sablon, Grand-Rue)
- Arrived at the « place de l’Université », turn right and follow the street « rue des Wallons » for 500 m (direction Auditoires Croix du Sud)
- Having left the Sciences square (wooden ground), set to the right after the Salmigondis building
- Cross the parking 11
- Arrived in the middle of the Croix du Sud square, follow the covered passage in the direction of the parking 20, Kellner building (tower D)
- Enter the Mendel building (tower C) to the left on floor d-1
- Take the stairs (or the elevator) up to the 1st floor
- Leaving the stairs, turn right (or to the left when leaving the elevator) to the Kellner building, d+1
- Crossed front doors, the secretariat is directly in your left (place d.101.10)
By plane
From Brussels National Airport (Zaventem)
Brussels National Airport is linked to Brussels by a train service. Ask for a ticket to Louvain-la-Neuve Université and get off at the station Brussels North. Take the Brussels-Namur line, get off at Ottignies and change to a train to Louvain-la-Neuve.
From Brussels South Charleroi Airport (Gosselies)
At the airport, go to the Ryanair desk and ask for a combined bus/train ticket to Louvain-la-Neuve. Take the bus to Charleroi-South station, from where you can continue by train to Louvain-la-Neuve Université station.
On foot since the station
- Leave the platform of the Louvain-la-Neuve Université station by staircases under the covered passage
- Take on the left and follow the « rue des Wallons » street for 500 m (direction Auditoires Croix du Sud)
- Having left the Sciences square (wooden ground), set to the right after the Salmigondis building
- Cross the parking 11
- Arrived in the middle of the Croix du Sud square, follow the covered passage in the direction of the parking 20, Kellner building (tower D)
- Enter the Mendel building (tower C) to the left on floor d-1
- Take the stairs (or the elevator) up to the 1st floor
- Leaving the stairs, turn right (or to the left when leaving the elevator) to the Kellner building, d+1
- Crossed front doors, the secretariat is directly in your left (place d.101.10)