Place Cardinal Mercier 31/L3.03.11
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Sylviane Granger
Professeure ordinaire émérite
MA in English and Dutch, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1972, Summa Cum Laude.
PhD in English Linguistics, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1981, Summa Cum Laude.
Previous academic positions
Research Associate, Belgian National Scientific Research Fund (FNRS): 1972-77
Teaching Assistant at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Department of Germanic Studies, English Unit: 1977-81
Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at UCL: 1981-88
Professor of English Language and Linguistics: 1988-2016
Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at Lancaster University (UK) in 1995-96
Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) in 2003
Visiting Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), April-May 2004
Visiting Professor at Columbia University (USA), June 2004
Visiting Professor in China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai International Study University; Yangzhou University; Henan Normal University, April 2009
Franqui Chair – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/Campus Kortrijk, 2015-2016
Current academic position
Professor Emerita of English Language and Linguistics & Invited Professor, UCL
Founder and Director of the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics, UCL
Current administrative posts held at UCL
Founder and Director of the Louvain in-house translation service (CTL - Centre de Traduction de Louvain)
Initiator and main editor of the University of Louvain’s Trilingual University Terminology Database (in collaboration with S. Verlinde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Previous administrative posts held at UCL
Director of the university’s Language Institute (ILV) (2004-2007)
Head of Linguistics, Institute for Language and Communication (PLIN/ILC) (2013-2015)
Main areas of research activity
Corpus linguistics (learner and bilingual corpora), phraseology, electronic lexicography, EFL (English as a Foreign Language), EAP (English for Academic Purposes), SLA (Second Language Acquisition), corpus-based contrastive linguistics and translation studies, technology-enhanced language learningRecent and ongoing research projects
Director of the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE) project, launched in 1990 (ongoing)
Co-director of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI), launched in 1995 (ongoing)
Concerted Action project « A Multi-Modal Approach to Fluency and Disfluency Markers» funded by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (grant nr.12/17-044).
European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (COST project OC-2016-1-20642)
Co-director (with M.-A. Lefer) of the Multilingual Student Translation (MUST) project: 2016-
FRFC project: Lexicography and phraseology: Onomasiological and semasiological approach to English for Academic Purposes (2008-2012)
Several projects in lexicography funded by Macmillan Dictionaries Ltd (2005 - ). Contribution to the second edition of the Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.
EU-funded Integrated Digital Language Learning (IDILL) project within the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. IST Program of the Sixth Framework. (2006 & 2007).
Concerted Action project "Foreign Language Learning: Phraseology and Discourse" funded by the French Community of Belgium (2003-2008)
EU-funded project "French in Context: An advanced hypermedia CALL system featuring NLP tools for a smart treatment of authentic documents and free production exercises" - IST program of the Fifth Framework. (1999-2003)Research boards
Member (and subsequently chair) of the philology commission of the Belgian National Scientific Research Fund (French Community of Belgium): 1997-2006
Member of the philology commission of the Belgian National Scientific Research Fund (Flemish Community of Belgium): 1997-2004.
Member of the Human and Social Science commission of the Belgian National Scientific Research Fund (French Community of Belgium): 2010-2013; 2017-Scientific/editorial boards
President of the Learner Corpus Association
Member of the Editorial Board of Languages in Contrast (Benjamins)
Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (Benjamins)
Member of the Editorial Board of Idil (Université Stendhal Grenoble)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Yearbook of Phraseology (De Gruyter Mouton)
Member of the Advisory Board of Studies in Corpus Linguistics (Benjamins)
Member of the Advisory Board of the Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée (Paris)
Member of the Advisory Board of Macmillan Dictionaries LtdAcademic consultancy
Academic consultant of the Corpus Linguistic Society of ChinaMember of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Corpora and Intercultural Studies of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China).
Keynote presentations/invited talks (select list: 2010-2016)
- “Corpus research, variation and teaching: infernal trio or happy threesome?”, 28th Conference of The Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA), University of Vigo (Spain), 15-17 April 2010
- “Learner corpora: a multifarious resource for pedagogical lexicography”, 9th Brazilian Corpus Linguistics Conference and 4th Computational Linguistics School, Rio Grande do Sul Catholic University, Porto Allegre (Brazil), 6-9 October 2010.
- “The phraseology of discourse organisation in advanced EFL (and FFL) writing”, Workshop on Idiomaticity and Discourse Organisation in High-proficient L2 Use, University of Stockholm (Sweden), 23-26 February 2011.
- “Electronic lexicography and computer-assisted language learning: Breaking down the barriers”, eLexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users, Bled (Slovenia), 10-12 November 2011.
- “Customisable dictionary-cum-corpus web-based tools”, European Parliament, Directorate General for Translation, Luxembourg, 23 January 2012
- “Learner corpora and their applications: A review of recent developments”, Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Conference on Corpora across Linguistics, Leeds (UK), 21-22 June 2012
- “Towards a phraseological model of lexical proficiency: Evidence from learner corpus research”, 2012 International Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK), Seoul (Korea), 13 October 2012.
- “A lexical bundle approach to comparing languages: Organizational and stance markers in English and French”, International Conference on Genre- and Register-related Text and Discourse Features in Multilingual Corpora organized by The Linguistic Society of Belgium and Institut Libre Marie Haps, Brussels (Belgium), 11-12 January 2013.
- “The passive in learner English: Corpus insights and implications for pedagogical grammar”, Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World 2013 (LCSAW2013), Kobe (Japan), 23-24 March 2013.
- “New insights into the nature of learner language and implications for more effective language teaching”, Language Corpora for Language Professionals, Hanover (Germany), 2 & 3 May 2013.
- “Tracking the third code: A crosslinguistic corpus-driven approach to discourse markers”, Joint conference of ICLC (International Contrastive Linguistics Conference) and UCCTS (Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies), Ghent (Belgium), 10-13 July 2013.
- “Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis: A Reappraisal”, Learner Corpus Research 2013, Bergen (Norway), 27-29 September 2013.
- “Towards a phraseological model of lexical proficiency: The contribution of native and learner corpus research”, National Central University, Taipei (Taiwan), 6 November 2013 ·
- “La phraséologie: un domaine sans frontières? ”, La phraséologie : des collocations aux séquences figées, Grenoble (France), 13-15 November 2013.
- "Towards more and better learner corpora for educational applications”, Colloquium on learner Corpora for less commonly taught languages, Athens (Greece), April 8, 2014
- “John Sinclair's idiom principle: An inspiration for learner corpus research”, 2014 annual John Sinclair lecture, Birmingham (UK), 8 May 2014 [Sinclair lecture]
- “Towards a phraseological model of lexical proficiency: The contribution of native and learner corpus research”, LUNAS (Language Use in Nordic Academic Settings) workshop, Göteborg (Sweden), 6-7 November 2014.
- “Learner corpora and their applications: A review of recent developments”, Fudan University (China), April 2015.
- “Recherches sur corpus multilingues : acquis, défis et perspectives », Université de Poitiers (France), 21-22 May 2015.
- “Learner corpus research: A fast-growing interdisciplinary field”, Corpus Linguistics Conference, Lancaster University (UK), 21-24 July 2015.
- “Academic phraseology: A key ingredient in successful L2 academic literacy”, LUNAS conference, Copenhagen University (Denmark), 9-11 May 2016.
- “From learner corpora to customized foreign language learning tools”, University of Edinburgh, 25 October 2016.