Louvain Learning Lab

A brief history of the Louvain Learning Lab

The Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) is a pioneer in the study of higher education and in the use of ICTE (information and communication technologies in education) to promote innovation and create added value in the fields of teaching and learning. It has come a long way since it first set out on this route in 1980 and has passed a number of complementary milestones along the way, culminating in the image of the University as we know it today.

A propos

Pionnier, le Louvain Learning Lab a déjà une longue histoire. En 1995, l’UCL a créé l’Institut de Pédagogie universitaire et des Multimédias (IPM), pour accompagner  les enseignants  (professeurs et assistants) qui souhaitaient progresser  dans leur métiers et promouvoir la qualité  de la formation.