As part of CORE's 50th Anniversary celebrations, the Quantitative Economic Geography group, Geog-en-CORE, is organizing a BRU-Net Workshop on Big Data and Urban Geography. The workshop will be held at CORE on Monday November 21, 2016.
The recent rise of massive data production and data availability has triggered the development of new methods of analysis, providing new insights that have impacts in many fields. This workshop, organized in the framework of our BRU-Net project, brings together experts in methodology of data analysis and networks, as well as geographers leveraging these new opportunities in the field of urban analysis, and actors who use this research with a more business-oriented approach. What are the challenges of big data and of new methodologies for studying the city today? What are the insights that can be relevant for urban analysis? What are the opportunities offered by geolocalized data?
Attendance is free but registration is mandatory. Please register online by Wednesday November 16.
Note that the registration form will also allow you to register for the ERSA International Workshop on "How Can Regional Policy Benefit from Big Data?" to be held the day after the BRU-Net Workshop.
10h30-11h00 - Welcome Coffee
11h00-12h30 - Session 1: Methodology
- Renaud Lambiotte (UNamur)
Mining Open Datasets for Transparency in Taxi Transport in Metropolitan Environments - Vincent Traag (CWTS, Leiden)
Limitations and Advances in Community Detection
12h30-13h30 - Lunch
13h30-15h00 - Session 2: Geography and Urban Insights
- Paul Longley (University College London)
Geospatial Analysis of Consumer Behaviour - Eric Delmelle (UNC Charlotte)
Mapping Collective Human Activity in an Urban Environment Based on Mobile Phone Data
15h00-15h30 - Coffee Break
15h30-16h30 - Session 3: Geolocalized Data with Applications in the Business Sector
- Christophe Cloquet (My Poppy)
16h30-17h30 - Presentation of the BRU-Net Project and Discussion
17h30 - Closing and Farewell Drink