A rich, high-performance work environment
The Faculty of Bioscience Engineering offers :
- specialised laboratories, modern classrooms and discipline-specific libraries;
- multiple experimentation sites: the Lauzelle woods in Louvain-la-Neuve, the Alphonse De Marbaix Centre in Corroy-le-Grand, the Michamps Centre in Bastogne, Lake Louvain-la-Neuve, etc., plus 2,000 square meters of the highest-performing green houses in Europe;
- computer labs equipped with the software necessary for successful project completion.
From the classroom to the field
During laboratory sessions, you will handle materials and compare theory to practice, either alone or in small groups.
Conducted by teaching assistants, tutorials impart theoretical concepts via practical examples.
Problem-based learning and case studies
By analysing a real problem, you will learn scientific concepts, determine implications and practise your future role as a bioengineer.
Field observations and company tours
Activities outside the faculty will give you a feel for the professional life of a bioengineer.
During the bachelor’s programme, you will undertake a one-month internship with a small or medium-sized business or association in a relevant field in Belgium or abroad. During the master’s programme, to familiarise yourself with the demands of professional life, you will have the possibility of interning for several months.
New learning technologies
For several years UCL has developed online courses that make use of self-teaching videos, exercises and tests. They allow you to enhance your skills and acquire knowledge wherever and whenever you want.
An education through and for research
At UCL, studying to become a bioengineer involves hands-on research activities that help students understand and solve problems. They meet and work with other young researchers in seminars, and are also invited to join a research team to facilitate the writing of their dissertation within a framework overseen by a supervisor.