Projets de recherche


Gendering the academy and reseach : combating career instability and asymetries (GARCIA)

Financement : Union européenne

Garcia is concerned with the implementation of actions in European Universities and research centres to promote a gender culture and combat gender stereotypes and discriminations. By taking into account the organisations, but also their broader national context, this project aims to develop and maintain research potential and skills of both , women and men researchers, in order to sustain the quality of their working conditions.

Direction de la recherche : Caroline Vincke et Bernard Fusulier

Chercheur : Farah Shaïk

Partenaires :

  • Universita degli Sudi di Trento; Italy
  • Stichting Katholieke Universiteit, The Netherlands
  • Université de Lausanne, Suisse
  • Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft Mbh, Austria
  • Znanstevenoraziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti, Slovenia

Durée : février 2014 à février 2017