Structural Engineering


Our researches in the field of structural engineering cover aspects linked to :

  • Timber structures (Especially the development of multi-storey timber structures compatible with industrial processes, the seismic behavior of timber multi storey structures, the development of methods allowing determining the mechanical quality of timber structural elements with cracks);
  • Concrete structures (Especially related to the study of the shear resistance of slabs subjected to traction, but also to the numerical reinforcement of 3D volumes such as dams, underground foundations stabilizing structures highly subjected to wind, and structures for wind turbine towers);
  • The Optimization and design of structures, with an application to tensegrity structures, using the theories of morphological indicators;
  • The drone-based additive manufacturing of structures.

As far as teaching is concerned, we cover all the disciplines linked to the mechanics of structures, stability of constructions, steel, concrete and timber structures, design of buildings and civil engineering structures,…(see details on page teaching).