The Pediatrics Pole is focused on the development of liver regenerative medicine by bringing stem cell research discoveries from bench to the patient bedside. More than 30 members well connected via scientific and medical collaborations are devoted to expedite the development of cell therapy for the patient.
The Pediatrics pole is developing straightforward translational research projects with the highest ethical considerations. Such research projects aim at efficiently and functionally repairing the diseased liver. The main axes focus on 1) isolating and banking the best candidate stem cell to be transplanted, 2) reconstituting the liver niche and understanding liver cell interaction signals with the target tissue and the immune system (this also involves soluble factors and exosomes-microvesicles), and 3) deeply investigating the biodistribution as well as engraftment of transplanted cells.
These research projects are conducted thanks to an advanced equipped laboratory, sophisticated technological platforms and an accredited Tissue Bank of hepatocytes and hepatic stem cells of Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc.
The pediatrics pole is also supporting excellence and innovation by delivering several patents and launching a spinoff company “Promethera Biosciences” which develops innovative therapies for the treatment of liver diseases with no effective therapeutic cure.