Rodrigo ARANEDA (IoNS/COSY) défendra sa thèse sur l'impact des acouphènes sur les fonctions cognitives et cérébrales.
Rodrigo ARANEDA est doctorant en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (UCL, Belgique) au sein du pôle COSY (Système et Cognition) de l'IoNS. Pour en découvrir plus sur ses travaux, vous êtes cordialement invités (invitation ) à assister à sa défense publique le mercredi 20 janvier 2016 à 17h à l'Auditoire Maisin (UCL/LEW).
Promoteurs : Prof. Anne De Volder, PhD, MD (UCL) & Prof. Mitzi Catalán Ahumada, PhD (PUCV, Chili)
RESUME : Tinnitus is a frequent disorder and, despite a constantly growing interest from the scientific community; its pathophysiology is not clear yet. Understanding the cognitive and neurophysiological mechanisms involved in tinnitus is particularly crucial to develop more efficient treatments. The present work brings new evidences regarding the nature of the cognitive deficits associated with tinnitus and their role in its pathophysiology. Here, we showed an alteration of the top-down cognitive control and of the inhibitory control in the auditory and visual modality in tinnitus patients. The deficit in the top-down cognitive control was underlined by dysfunctions in the prefrontal cortex. The impairment in cognitive control observed in tinnitus patients may contribute with the development of chronic tinnitus. The training of executive functions and the modulation of prefrontal cortex activity could be a key target to reduce tinnitus perception and its consequences.