News for ions

Conférence : " The functional architecture of human...

Le Prof. Kalanit GRILL-SPECTOR présentera une conférence intitulée The functional architecture of human ventral temporal cortex and its role in visual perception.
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Neural correlates of physical and social causality...

From Philipps-University Marburg, Kim Wende, PhD, will give a talk entitled "Neural correlates of physical and social causality judgments in response to animated visual stimuli:  a set of fMRI experiments involving healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia"
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General Public Conference "Molecular mimicry can cause...

Le prochain invité de nos conférences grand public est un expert à la renommée internationale dans le Syndrome de Guillain-Barré (GBS)
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Cours sur le Syndrome Guillain-Barré

Avant sa conférence grand publi intitulée "Molecular mimicry can cause autoimmune neuropathies", le Pr. Nobuhiro YUKI, un expert internationalement reconnu dans le    Syndrome Guillain-Barré  (GBS) donnera deux cours sur cette thématique.
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Séminaire CEMO: The activation of the locomotor central...

The next CEMO seminar is entitled "the activation of the locomotor central pattern generator modulates the excitability of dorsal networks". It will be presented by the researcher Nejada Dingu who comes from Udine University, in Italy. She has been invited by the neuropharmacology research group.
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