Studying at the Faculty of sciences


At UCL the studies are organised in two cycles: bachelor and master.

  • A bachelor programme leads to the bachelor diploma for the first study cycle and to the title of Bachelor. It comprises 180 credits, spread over three years of studies.The Faculty of sciences offers six bachelor programmes organised by discipline (chemistry, biology, geography, mathematics and physics).
    You can consult here the detailed bachelor programmes and other practical information as the academic calendar, courses time-tables...
  • A master worth 120 credits, usually spread over two years of studies, includes the writing of a thesis and constitutes the development of the specialisation. This can take the form of three different orientations, depending on whether the future " master " aims to teach (didactics orientation) , do research (in-depth studies orientation), or carry out a profession (specialisation orientation).
    You can consult here the detailed master programmes and other practical information as the academic calendar, courses time-tables...

According to the ECTS system, a normal workload of one academic year is 60 ECTS and of one semestre is 30 ECTS. Although it is up to the home university to determine the exact number of credits you are required to earn, the Faculty of sciences expects you to have a workload comparable to the one you would be required to take on at your home institution.
The student has to sit examens for those subjects for which he or she has not yet obtained a satisfactory result or for which he or she has not yet taken the exam. Each exam however can only be presented twice during the year.

Student are strongly advised to attend courses from the very beginning of term, in order to increase their chances of passing their exams at UCL.

At the end of your stay a Transcript of records will be sent to the departmental coordinator of your home institution. This document is exclusively for academic recognition of courses taken at UCL by the home university.