The second edition in French of the MOOC "Communiquer la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE)" and the fourth edition in English of the MOOC "Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" started this Thursday 1st February. They will end on the 16th June.
This course, free, accessible from anywhere, whenever and compatible with a busy schedule, aims to answer to the following questions:
- What is the Corporate Social Responsibility?
- What does it mean and what does it involve ?
- Are the stakeholders really interested in?
- And if they do, how the company should communicate with them?
The course was made by a team of CSR experts coming from academic world and from companies. The MOOC has been created with videos, interview, learning exercises and case studies from renowned companies – Nestlé & Solvay Group – and from Belgian federation of chemical industries and life sciences – essenscia.