Before your arrival


1. Admission and registration of exchange students are organized by the Faculty. The Faculty will only accept students from universities with a pre-established exchange agreement.

Once you have been selected by your home Institution, you have to send to the International Office of the  Faculty of Bioscience Engineering the following documents (at the latest on May 1st (1Q) or November 1st (2Q) :

  • A copy of your passport or ID Card where your nationality appears clearly
  • Your ECTS Learning Agreement completed and signed by yourself and the academic coordinator of your home institution;
  • Your transcript of records of all the previous years of Higher Education;
  • Your level of French and English
  • A Motivation letter
  • Your Curriculum Vitae and your contact address
  • The “Bulletin d’inscription”  (Student Application form) duly completed and signed by your institution

As soon as your registration is validated by the administrative coordinator, you will receive 2 more documents :

  • The document  « regulations-private life » (to be signed)
  • the access card request with your name and a passport-size colour photo with a white background (pasted on it).

These documents are to be sent at the latest on May 31st (1st semester) or November 30th (2nd semester) to :

Université catholique de Louvain

Facuty of Bioscience Engineering AGRO Louvain          

International office  c/o Mrs Stéphanie Hansen

Croix du Sud, 2 – Bte 1 L7.05.01

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium


Telephone: +32  10 47 32 78 - Fax: + 32 10  47 47 45

2. Registration approval

Once the Agro International Office has received all the documents, it will be checked and forwarded to the UCL Central Registrar Office (Service des Inscriptions) which will then send you an e-mail on your own personal address indicating the process to be followed to activate your global account and have then access to your virtual desk and other features offered.

For students outside EU WHO NEED A VISA, the Office of the Registrar will send an “autorisation d’inscription” letter to obtain it.

The non-european students will show their VISA to the Erasmus administrative coordinator of the Faculty upon arrival.

  1. Documents to be brought with you

  • Your ID or passport
  • The document from your university proving that you are an exchange student
  • The proof of your health insurance

4. Housing

There are several possibilities to find housing in Louvain-la-Neuve.
The best way to participate in student life is to live on the campus itself. Indeed, Louvain-la-Neuve is an unusual pedestrian campus with more than 19 000 students and 20 000 inhabitants.

Due to housing constraints, we strongly advise all the students to reserve their room well in advance through the UCL housing service (Service des Logements -LOGE). Indeed, all the student rooms are assigned on a “first come-first served” basis, so it is in your own interest to send your housing request form as soon as possible!

How to book a room in advance with the UCL housing service

It’s an ONLINE procedure via http://www.uclouvain.logement

  1. Click on ‘Louvain-La-Neuve
  2. Click on ‘Exchange student’
  3. Complete ‘online accommodation request’

For the "Housing application" in the field "Provenance" select "exchange student"

When the request is created :

If availability of accomodationStudents will receive an email informing them of a provisional reservation awaiting the confirmation of their registration at UCL.

If unavailability of accommodation : Students will be informed that their application is put on a waiting list and receive information about other housing sectors in Louvain-la-Neuve.

Contact Housing service : Mrs. Laurence Mairesse -