Archives for CORE

Medal Fields Talk: Pierre-Louis LIONS

As part of CORE’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, Profs. Philippe CHEVALIER and François GLINEUR (CORE) are organizing a CORE Fields Medal Talk with Prof. Pierre-Louis LIONS (Collège de France) on Mean Field Games. The seminar will be held on December 14, 11:00 a.m. at UCL. Please note that...
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Seminar: Robert M. Gower

Randomized Quasi-Newton Updates are Linearly Convergent Matrix Inversion Algorithms Robert M. GOWER, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh (Joint with Peter RICHTÁRIK) We develop and analyze a broad family of stochastic/randomized algorithms for inverting a matrix. We also...
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Winter School on Networks in Economics and Finance

During the past decade, both academics and policymakers have recognised the importance of studying interconnectedness and complexity. The objective of our winter school and the associated events over this full week of events is to assess recent progress made in the application of networks for...
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Seminar: Damiano Brigo

Multi Currency Credit Default Swaps: Quanto Effects and FX Devaluation Jumps Damiano BRIGO, Imperial College Credit Default Swaps (CDS) on a reference entity may be traded in multiple currencies, in that protection upon default may be offered either in the domestic currency where the...
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Seminar: John Earle

Does Higher Productivity Dispersion Imply Greater Misallocation? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis John Earle (Central European University) (Joint paper with J.David Brown and Emin Dinlersoz) Recent research maintains that the observed variation in productivity within industries...
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