Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Operations Research Seminar

Georg Pflug, Universität Wien

Model Uncertainty and Distributional Robustness in Stochastic Optimization Georg Pflug, Universität Wien Decision making in a stochastic  environment requires the formulation of a stochastic model (e.g. for prices, demands, weather and similar risks). Since these models are mostly based...
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ERC Consolidator

Dr. Alexandru Vlad from MOST Division of the Institute of Condensed Mater and Nanosciences of Université catholique de Louvain (IMCN-UCL) has been very recently awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant, that allocates 2 million € over five years in order to conduct the MOOiRE project. MOOiRE...
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Alternative approaches in time-series analysis and...

Speaker : M. Sinnesael, VUB, Brussels
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Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and...

Arina Kozlova, Medicinal Chemistry, LDRI and Ludwig Institute (DDUV) "Targeting tryptophan-degrading enzymes in cancer immunotherapy: Discovery and design of novel IDO/TDO dual inhibitors" Nikolaos Tsakiris, Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials, LDRI/LDRI "Drug-loaded lipid...
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14:30 / Statistics Seminars

Christophe Ley, Ghent University

An alternative ranking for national soccer teams based on strength parameters Abstract: The FIFA ranking of national (male) soccer teams suffers from various drawbacks that cause heated debates, all-the-more as this ranking governs the seating in the international tournaments and the...
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