Archives for UCLOUVAIN
From 14 to 15/12/2016
PhD Course on Identification Strategies in Business and...
Identification Strategies in Business and Finance
by Murillo Campello (Cornell University)
Organized by LFIN, CORE, ILSM and LSM
This is a thorough PhD level class covering modern empirical work. For concreteness, the course is designed to help students understand how to operationalize...
Click to know more December 14, 2016
Medal Fields Talk: Pierre-Louis LIONS
As part of CORE’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, Profs. Philippe CHEVALIER and François GLINEUR (CORE) are organizing a CORE Fields Medal Talk with Prof. Pierre-Louis LIONS (Collège de France) on Mean Field Games. The seminar will be held on December 14, 11:00 a.m. at UCL.
Please note that...
Click to know more December 13, 2016
Macroeconomics Lunch - Pecher
Pierre Pecher
(université d'Aix-Marseille)
Will give a presentation on
Transborder Ethnic Kin and Regional Prosperity: Evidence from Nighttime Light Intensity in Africa
Click to know more December 13, 2016
Seminar: Robert M. Gower
Randomized Quasi-Newton Updates are Linearly Convergent Matrix Inversion Algorithms
Robert M. GOWER, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
(Joint with Peter RICHTÁRIK)
We develop and analyze a broad family of stochastic/randomized algorithms for inverting a matrix. We also...
Click to know more December 12, 2016
Immigration in OECD Countries - 6th Annual International...
The OECD, the CEPII (the French Research Center in International Economics), the research team LEM of Lille University, G-MonD (the research group from Paris School of Economics), Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, the University of Luxemburg and IRES (Université Catholique de Louvain) are jointly...
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