Archives for UCLOUVAIN
January 27, 2017
Au-delà du relèvement de l’âge de la pension: les...
Dans le cadre de la Chaire d'excellence sur les pensions, le Pr. Vincent Vandenberghe donnera un séminaire intitulé "Au-delà du relèvement de l’âge de la pension : les barrières à l'emploi âgé en Belgique".
Participation gratuite mais inscription obligatoire.
Click to know more January 24, 2017
Seminar: Victor Martinez de Albeniz
Using Early Click Information in Online Flash Sales Campaigns
Victor MARTINEZ de ALBENIZ, IESE Business School
Flash sales retailers organize online campaigns where products are sold for a short period of time at a deep discount. The demand in these events is very uncertain, but...
Click to know more January 24, 2017
Macrolunch - Gobbi
Paula Gobbi
Will give a presentation on
Childless Aristocrats. Fertility, Inheritance, and Persistent Inequality in Britain (1650 - 1882)
Click to know more January 18, 2017
Seminar: Johannes Johnen
Browsing versus Studying Offers
A large literature studies the implications of the observation that before making a purchase, consumers must search for and understand the available products. Most of this literature assumes that if a consumer chooses to search a...
Click to know more January 11, 2017
Seminar: François Maniquet
(Un)fair Tax-benefit Systems: Evidence from Selected OECD Countries
Joint work with Dirk Neumann, OECD
Building on the theory of fair labor income taxation recently developed by Fleurbaey and Maniquet, we assess (un)fairness of tax schemes in a selected sample of...
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