Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Drivers and patterns of diversification in reef fishes

Orator : Bruno FREDERICH ( ULg, Belgium) BDIV Seminar
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Antonio Cabrales

Antonio Cabrales (University College London) will give a presentation on What You Know... Can't Hurt You? A Field Experiment on Relative Performance Feedback in Higher Education Abstract : This paper studies the effect of providing feedback to college students on their position in...
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Semiring Rank Matrix Factorisation by Thanh Le Van, KU...

Semiring Rank Matrix Factorisation by Thanh Le Van (KU Leuven) Abstract. Rank data, in which each row is a complete or partial ranking of available items (columns), is ubiquitous. It can be used to represent, for instance, preferences of users, the levels of gene expression, and the outcomes...
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CORE Seminar

Seminar: Marion Collewet

The Effect of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Marion Collewet, CORE This paper exploits variation in the regular length of the full-time workweek in the German public sector over time and across federal states to identify the effect of weekly working hours on life satisfaction. ...
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Macro Lunch - Sara Lazzaroni

Sara Lazzaroni (University of Bologna) will give a presentation on Historical roots of preferences over political regimes: Monarchy vs. Republic in 1946 Italy
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