Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Life history and eco-evolutionary dynamics in light of...

Orateur : Emilie MACKE ( KUL, Belgium) BDIV Seminar
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Takeshi Murooka

Takeshi Murooka (University of Munich) will give a presentation on The Timing of Choice-Enhancing Policies Abstract : Recent studies investigate policies motivating consumers to make an active choice as a way to protect unsophisticated consumers. We analyze the optimal timing of...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Seminar: Mery Ferrando

Evolution of Income Poverty Under Unequal Growth: Settling the Dispute Between Absolutists and Relativists Mery Ferrando, CORE We study the impact on income poverty of unequal growth experienced in the US over 1989-2013 using a new measure of poverty. This measure accounts for both the...
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Aménager la forêt pour la résilience : relier les...

Orateur : Christian Messier, Professeur à l'Université du Québec à Montréal en Outaouais, Directeur de l'Institut des Sciences de la Forêt tempérée (ISFORT) 
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Macro Lunch Andreu Arenas

Andreu Arenas (UCLouvain, CORE) will give a presentation on Party bans, deterrence or backlash? Evidence from the Basque country Abstract: This paper examines how counter-terrorist political repression influences the political preferences of the aggrieved constituency....
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