Archives for UCLOUVAIN


Macro Lunch - Geert Goeyvaerts

Geert Goeyvaert and Sven Damen (KUL) will give a presentation on Improve, move or wait under the same roof. A dynamic model with underwater mortgages
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3nd ELI Meeting on : Using drones in the Earth & Life...

3ndELI Meeting on : Using drones in the Earth & Life Institute 1st speaker : SébastienLambot(ELIE) : “Ground-penetrating radar and drones for digital soil mapping” 2nd speaker: François Clapuyt(ELIC) : “3D topographic monitoring of earth surface deformation using multitemporalUAV...
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Econometrics and Finance Seminar

Seminar: Benjamin Moll

Monetary Policy According to HANK Benjamin MOLL, Princeton University (Joint with Greg Kaplan and Giovanni L. Violante) We revisit the transmission mechanism of monetary policy for household consumption in a Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian (HANK) model. The model yields empirically...
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IREC seminars

Metabolic Therapy for Heart Failure

Conference of Prof. Jason DYCK on Friday, June 9 at the Auditoire de Visscher. Speaker: Professeur Jason DYCK (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) Title: “Metabolic Therapy for Heart Failure” Place: Auditoire de Visscher Time : 13.00-14.30 You are all very...
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ISV Thesis

Jérémie TOLLET : Antibody production in plant cell suspension cultures. Searching for new host species and identification of active genomic loci. (Marc Boutry, promoter)
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