Archives for UCLOUVAIN
June 19, 2017
IREC seminars
Genetic association studies in complex diseases
Eric Trepo (INSERM)
Click to know more June 19, 2017
Econometrics and Finance Seminar
Seminar: Christiane Baumeister
Inference in Structural Vector Autoregressions When the Identifying Assumptions are Not Fully Believed: Re-evaluating the Role of Monetary Policy in Economic Fluctuations
Christiane BAUMEISTER, University of Notre Dame, USA
We demonstrate that formal Bayesian analysis of structural vector...
Click to know more June 15, 2017
UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Murat Iyigun
Murat Iyigun
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
will give a presentation on
Why Wait ? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles
Abstract :
We document that, over the 20th century, age at first marriage followed a U-shaped pattern, while the gender education gap...
Click to know more June 15, 2017
UCLouvain Economics Seminar
Seminar: Murat Iyigun
Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles
Murat Iyigun, University of Colorado, Boulder
We document that, over the 20th century, age at first marriage followed a U-shaped pattern, while the gender education gap tracked an inverted-U path in the United States. To...
Click to know more June 15, 2017
"Interface entre recherche et pratique : un service...
Les « séminaires doctoraux » ont lieu 2 fois par mois, le jeudi sur le temps de midi (12:00 - 13:30)
Lieu: local A447 de l'ESP
Vous avez la possibilité de présenter un projet de recherche en cours d'élaboration (brainstorming) ;...
Click to know more