News for lsm

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

LSM Cup 2018: 2 CEMS students won the « Masters » category

The seventh edition of the LSM Cup took place on 3th March in Brussels at the headquarter of AXA. Two LSM students, in Management, won the trophy for the “Masters”: Alexandra Cardenosa and Amélia Gangsted, they are both following the CEMS programme. The LSM Cup is the European biggest...
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American students visit LSM

Students from the Bryan School of Business and Economics (North Carolina University – Greensboro) and their Professor, Nir Kshetri, are visiting the Louvain School of Management this week. For Prof. Frank Janssen’s “International Entrepreneurship” course, the Belgian students and their...
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LSM/ICHEC won the Benelux CFA Institute Research Challenge

Congratulations to Nhung Luong (LSM) and Thomas Noël (LSM), Sascha Epp (ICHEC) and Maxime Stranart (ICHEC), they won the Benelux CFA Institute Research Challenge. Next stop will be Dublin for the EMEA finals in April 4, 5. The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual, global competition...
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5th Inter-University Philippe de Woot Award

The “5th Inter-University Philippe de Woot Award” ceremony will take place on March 28 2018 at 18:00 in the Louvain-la-Neuve Aula Magna. The event, preceded by the inauguration of the Philippe de Woot Auditorium, will be the opportunity to pay a special tribute to Professor Philippe de Woot....
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New edition of the MOOCs on Corporate Social Responsibility

The second edition in French of the MOOC  "Communiquer la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE)" and the fourth edition in English of the MOOC "Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" started this Thursday 1st February. They will end on the 16th June. This course,...
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