News for ions

Seminar IoNS_Alzheimer Dementia.1

Naouel Ben Khalifa, a PhD student, is presenting a seminar on "Dimerization of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP): mechanism and consequences" on 3rd February 2010.
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Seminar IoNS_Neural Differentiation.1

Emilie Audouard, a PhD student, is presenting a seminar on "Locomotor deficit and recovery in Hnf6 knockout mice" on 10th February 2010.
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Seminar IoNS_Neural Differentiation.2

Agnès Roy, a PhD student, is presenting a seminar on "The Onecut transcription factors control cell fate decision during the differentiation of spinal motor neurons" on 17th February 2010.
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Seminar IoNS_Alzheimer Dementia.2

Nathalie Pierrot, a Postdoctorate fellow, is presenting a seminar on "The Amyloid Precusor Protein controls the transcription of genes involved in neuronal lipid homeostasis" on 24th February 2010.
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Advanced Grant of ERC

On Wednesday, 6th January 2010, 16:30 – 18:30 pm, the K.U.Leuven Research Coordination Office is organising an information and discussion meeting on the current third call for proposals of the Advanced Grants scheme from the European Research Council (ERC).
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