Chair in European Values


Established in 2015 in a joint project between the UCL and the UAntwerp at the initiative of Baron Velge, the Chair in European Values: Discourses and Prospects is dedicated to the study of European values. At a moment when the European Union’s foundations are put into question – with a barely tamed monetary crisis, a divisive refugee crisis and the political crisis of citizens’ disenchantment – it seems more urgent than ever to examine what unites, and can unite, the peoples living within the Union, culturally politically and historically. This requires acknowledging a threefold reality: the irreducible plurality of Europe’s nations, an underlying civilizational unity, and the necessity in today’s globalised world for the countries of Europe to strengthen their bonds.

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Past issues:


Colloque sur les intellectuels et l'Europe

La Chaire Velge "European Values" et les Séminaires Paul-Henri Spaak (École interfacultaire en études européennes) organisent un colloque international sur les intellectuels et...


La nouvelle politique de l’Europe: improviser, protéger,...

On 8 February 2018, Luuk van Middelaar will give a presentation of his new book in Luxembourg-Kirchberg. In cooperation with BGL BNP Paribas, the conference will be introduced by M. Jacques...

De nieuwe politiek van Europa

On 4 October 2017, Luuk van Middelaar published his new book ‘De nieuwe politiek van Europa’ (Groningen, Historische Uitgeverij, 372 p.), the fruit of two years of intensive writing, drawing on...