Congratulations to Natalia RAMIREZ!
We are proud to announce that our colleague Natalia, PhD student at LouRIM/CRECIS, won the contest "My thesis in 180 sec" organized during the PhD day of the Doctoral School of Management. She received a FNAC purchase voucher from the hands of Per AGRELL, President of the DSM.
Natalia arrived from Colombia a few months ago and has been brave enough to participate to the contest with the support of her supervisor Amélie JACQUEMIN.
"How entrepreneurial support practices help disruptive innovators?" is the title of her thesis and "How to reach the top of the wave?" was the title of her presentation.
We also congratulate the other two participants for their performance.
Cristian DIMITRESCU, KULeuven: "Putting concepts in context: bibliometric perspectives on management and managerial innovations."
Joshua K SALAWU, UNamur: “The maker movement” in Belgium: Exploring the business models in this innovation community.