LouRIM Award 2017 granted to Valérie Swaen

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

On 26th January, LouRIM held its yearly internal event.  

On this occasion the research award was granted to Prof. Valérie SWAEN for her paper "Consistency matters! How and when does corporate social responsibility affect employees' organizational identification?".

This study establishes the psychological process explaining how employees’ perceptions of CSR affect their organizational identification, by highlighting a sequential cognitive–emotional–attitudinal chain process that delineates the complementary roles of perceived external prestige and organizational pride as two related but distinct components of a mediational path explaining how employees’ perceptions of CSR affect their organizational identification.

Moreover, we show that managers should also pay attention to how they treat their own members, to preserve the potential rewarding impact of perceived CSR on employees. Indeed, our results suggest that if employees believe that resources dedicated to CSR are misspent on external stakeholders rather than used to enhance their own well-being, they will likely become more skeptical about CSR initiatives. Therefore, consistency in how fairly organizations interact with their external and internal stakeholders is necessary for perceived CSR to favourably affect organizational identification.

Published on January 29, 2018