Coface is a Worldwide Business-to-Business Facilitator. Coface provides a full range of trade-risk management solutions to 130,000 companies ranging all sizes and industries, in 100 countries. As the head of Coface university, I have been working with the Louvain School of Management since 2004. I have chosen Louvain School of Management (LSM) because there was a center of excellence focused on change management called CRECIS (centre for research in entrepreneurial change and innovative strategies). They already had an open executive education program dealing with change management. Our collaboration has started with a 5 days programme for the whole top management of our company, based in different countries where the company was involved. This programme has led to the implementation of 7 sessions during two years. This was a great success for the group's managers and the effectiveness of the programme. Based upon the quality of the programme content, the multi cultural aspect of the faculty involved and the quality of the academic programme coordination, we have decided to renew our collaboration with LSM in 2007 for 3 years. More than 10 new three days sessions are planned. The programme still deals with change management and targets our worldwide high potential managers. In 2010, more than 200 international top managers from our group will have been through this programme. This a real partnership that has been concluded with CRECIS inside LSM, and in particular Prof. Alain Vas. As a change management expert, Prof. Vas has further launched a doctoral research aiming to study the speed of knowledge transfer within our multinational company .
Christian AUBIN
Head of Coface University