Business events, reports & studies

Business events: leaders meet academics

21/09/2012, Benoit Gailly at The Leadership Meetings, Top Management Event.

16/03/2011, Alain Vas at The Leadership Meetings, Top Management Event .

14/10/2010, Nathalie Delobbe at The Leadership Meetings, Top Management Event.

22/10/2009, Laurent Taskin organizes the 4th LSM HR Day at Mons: HR Directors and academics meet in order to share their respective knowledge on HRM current development.

26/11/2009, Philippe de Woot , The Leadership Meetings : «Relever avec succès les grands défis du management de toute entreprise!»

06/11/2008, Alain Vas , L'Assemblée générale de essenscia wallonie 

08/02/2006, Johnny Thijs and Alain Vas (Report - Photos )

25/04/2005, Jean-Paul Votron and Philippe de Woot (Report - Photos )


March 27th 2012, Nathalie Delobbe, "Bien-être au travail et performance dans l'entreprise, est-ce incompatible ?" (Chaire LCM/EDHEC)

October 26th 2005, Evelyne Leonard, Armand Spineux, Laurent Taskin , La journée de l'innovation sociale

March 4th 2005, Alain VAS, La démarche stratégique à l'hôpital

2004, Location choices by hi-tech start-ups, Innovating Europe, 4th European Forum for Innovative Enterprises, Stuttgart

June 2003, Conference organized by Fortis Foundation Belgium, "Faut-il se méfier des mécènes ? Le mécénat d'entreprise en question", Professor de Woot from l'Université Catholique de Louvain

2003, Financing for Growth. Plenary session, 4th 4x4 Conference Taste of Entrepreneurship, Louvain-la-Neuve

Business studies

Coeurderoy R., The Diversity Of Technology Licensing Agreements And Their Causes, LESI News (Licensing Executives Society International), Vol 40 (6), Décember, 2005 (with C Bessy, E Brousseau et Camille Chaserant).