PhD Thesis


Maria Joao Pimenta (1996) : Study of S-adenosyl-L-methionine : L-methionine S-methyltransferase from green barley malt.

Teresa Fernandez-Gil (1997) : Effect of particle size on the breakdown of dietary fibre.  Comparison of different analytical methods.

Erick Ferrufino-Guardia (1998) : Transfer of Ochratoxin A during lactation : analysis, occurence and exposure.

Nancy Gomez Romero (1998) : Valorisation de la noix du Brésil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.). Elaboration, caractérisation, conservation du lait de noix par la méthode U.H.T. et formulation de farines mixtes.

Jinglan Peng (1999) : Comparative study on the composition and bioconversion of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) : modulation by dietary and strain-difference factors.

Bernard Vanabelle (1999) : Valorisation des sous-produits des industries de transformation de la pomme de terre dans l’alimentation des ruminants.

Herve Rogez (1999) : Etude pluridisciplinaire de la valorisation des fruits de l’açayer (Euterpe oleracea) en système de varzea (Para, Brésil).

Isabelle Ernens (2001) : Development of an in vitro system to study lipogenesis in the ruminant mammary gland.

Cathy Debier (2001) : A study of the dynamics of vitamin A, vitamin E and PCBs in seals during lactation.

Emmanuel Tangni (2003) : Occurrence of mycotoxins in beer, exposure assessment for consumers and development of biological detoxification options for the control of ochratoxin A during brewing.

Diana Ringot-Secheli (2006) : Risk analysis of ochratoxin A and development of a decontamination procedure based on the biosorption of ochratoxin A onto yeast industry derivatives

Tarik Abboudi (2006) : The indispensable amino acid requirements for maintenance in Atlantic salmon fry.

Evaldo Martins da Silva (2006) : Polyphenols form the Amazonian plant Inga edulis : process optimisation for the production of purified extracts with high antioxidant capacity.

Jesus Nazareno Silva de Souza (2007) : Etude des propriétés antioxydantes in vitro d’extraits de Byrsonima crassifolia et Inga edulis et caractérisation partielle des composés phénoliques.

Rosana Sonia Chirinos Gallardo (2008) : Polyphenols from the Andean mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum) tuber: Evaluation of genotypes, extraction, chemical characterization and antioxidant properties.

Béatrice Romier-Crouzet (2008) : Polyphenols and intestinal inflammation: an in vitro assessment with standards and natural polyphenolic extracts.

Tran Thy Nang Thu (2008) : Nutritional value of sesame oil cake and lysine utilization efficiency in plant protein-based diets for rainbow trout.

Christelle André (2008) : Evaluation of Andean potato cultivars as a source of dietary antioxidants.

Noélie Bodin (2008) : Nutritional and interspecies effects on the estimation of threonine and lysine requirements in salmonid fry with a highlight on methodological impacts.

Jacqueline Van De Walle (2009) : Deoxynivalenol and intestinal inflammation : an in vitro assessment

Laurence Ribonnet (2011) : Evaluation of the interactions of herbal dietary supplements with molecular targets at the intestinal level : a first step toward risk assessment.

Quynh Chau Dang Van (2011) : Influence of the diet structure and lipid supplementation on ruminal biohydrogenation and on the bovine milk fatty acid composition.

Sylvie Hollebeeck (2012) : Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice industry by-products are potential preventive agents against inflammatory bowel diseases.

Anne-Catherine Schneider (2012) : Uptake and metabolism of trans and conjugated fatty acids at the intestinal level: different pathways to produce c9t11 CLA.

André Nivyobizi (2012) : Evaluation de différents modèles mathématiques appliqués à la méthode in sacco dans la caractérisation de la valeur nutritive de graminées tropicales et secondaires tempérées pour l’alimentation des ruminants.

Pauline Beguin (2013) : Metabolism of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and their effects on tight junctions in in vitro models of healthy and inflamed intestinal epithelium.

Lai Thi Ngoc Ha (2014) : Phenolic compounds from the sim fruit (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk.) : chemical characterisation, antioxidant capacity and optimal conditions of extraction.

Claudine Passo Tsamo (2015) : Impact of varietal diversity and cooking on plantain banana (Musa sp.) phenolic compounds.

Julie Mellery (2016) : Fatty acid bioconversion capacity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): temperature and nutritional modulation.