Imaging in Bacteria


January 31, 2018


The participation to the meeting is free but it is mandatory to be registered, for obvious organizational reasons.


Carnoy Room

Meeting of the contact group FNRS of Molecular Bacteriology

9h00-9h55 : Yves Dufrêne (UCL) Forces guiding staphylococcal adhesion
9h55-10h30 : Charles Van der Henst (EPFL, Lausanne and UNamur) Live cell imaging and confocal-based monitoring of a host-pathogen interaction

10h20-10h45 : Coffee break

10h45-11h10 : Taiyeb Zahir (KULeuven) Image-based high-content screening for antibiotic phenotypic responses
11h10-11h35: Victoria Vassen (UNamur) Localization of the LPS transporter LptD and the incorporation site of new LPS in B. abortus
11h35-12h00: Frédéric Goorghmatigh (ULB) Single-cell imaging of E. coli type II persisters to ofloxacin

12h00-13h00: Lunch

13h00-13h55: Marcelo Nollmann (Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Université de Montpellier) On the importance of molecular synchronization in bacteria
13h55-14h20: Johann Mignolet (Université de Genève and UCL) Functional dichotomy and distinct nanoscale assemblies of a cell cycle-controlled bipolar zinc-finger regulator
14h20-14h45: Patrice Soumillion (UCL) Oxidative decarboxylases: old enzymes, new insights
14h45-15h10: Abram Aertsen (KULeuven) Farming phages

15h10: Next meeting organization and Beers

Each participants should fill this form before January 19 :