Cell Sorting


Cell sorting: FACSAriaIII™

The BD FACSAriaIII™ uses nozzles with different sizes (70μm, 85μm, 130μm and 100 micron) and pressures depending on the cell type and application. The cell sorting may be performed at different temperatures held constant depending on the type of experiment: 4 ° C, 25 ° C, 37 ° C and 42 ° C.

The BD FACSAriaIII™ can sort up to 4 populations simultaneously, in tubes ranging from Eppendorf to Falcon 15 ml or on slides and multi-well plate. The sorting into multi-well plates allows the cloning to single cell in few minutes.



Sort collection devices :

  • 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 5ml, and 15ml tubes
  • 6w, 12w, 24w, 48w, 96w, and 384w plates
  • Slides

4 lasers, 15 fluorescences :

  • 405nm: Pacific blue, H450, BV421 / AmCyan, H500, BV510, Qdot525 / BV605, Qdot605 / BV650, Qdot655 / BV711, Qdot705 / BV786, Qdot800
  • 488nm: FITC, Alexa-488, GFP, CFSE / PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5
  • 561nm: PE / mCherry, PE-Texas Red, PE-CF594, PI / PE-Cy5, 7-AAD / PE-Cy5.5 / PE-Cy7
  • 633nm: APC, Alexa-647 / Alexa Fluor 700, APC-R700 / APC-Cy7, APC-H7



  • Multiparametric isolation of cells from mixed populations
  • Single-cell sorting for clonogenic assays
  • Single-cell cloning of hybridoma cells for monoclonal antibodies production
  • Purifying different lineages, including stem cells, from bone marrow samples with the multiparametric staining
  • Sorting of transfected cells with expression markers
  • Protein interaction study with FRET technique using the 561nm laser



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  IREC UCL Private
FACSAriaIII 75 €/h 100 €/h on request