Research and development

Research line "Hormones and Metabolism"

The number of people affected by obesity and diabetes is rapidly increasing in Belgium and all over the world. The devastating complications of diabetes, e.g. kidney failure and heart infarct, are largely contributing to the morbi-mortality of the disease. Scientists in the research poles EDIN (under the direction of Prof. S. Brichard, P. Gilon, J.C. Jonas, D. Maiter and J.P. Thissen), PEDI (under the direction of Prof. P. Lysy), and CHEX (under the direction of Prof. P. Gianello) investigate the mechanisms leading to the development of obesity and diabetes and to their complications, and test new therapeutic approaches to cure the disease or prevent its complications. Scientists in the research poles GAEN and CARD (under the direction of Prof. C. Beauloye, L. Bertrand et I. Leclercq) focus on the liver, cardiac and vascular complications of obesity and diabetes. Finally, the group of Prof. M.C. Many (research pole MORF) study the production of reactive oxygen species in the thyroid gland to better treat thyroid dysfunction.

Research line "Cancer and Metabolism"

Cancer, first known as a genetic disease, is also considered as a metabolic disease: its progression indeed heavily relies on the ability of cancer cells to adapt to their environment and meet the bioenergetic and biosynthetic requirements of cell proliferation and survival. Scientists in the theme Cancer research of the pole FATH (under the direction of Prof. O. Feron et P. Sonveaux) investigate the mechanisms of the metabolic plasticity of tumoral cells to identify innovative therapeutic targets to fight cancer. Scientists in the pole EDIN (under the direction of Prof. J.P. Thissen) focus on the mechanisms of cachexia (loss of muscle mass) in cancer patients and search for means to prevent it and improve patient survival and quality of life.