Michel Delmée, PI

Michel Delmée is full professor at the Faculty of medicine of the UCL and Chief of laboratory in the Service of microbiology at the St-Luc UCL university hospital. He teaches medical microbiology at the medical, dentistry, pharmacy and biomedical schools. He is head of the Pole de microbiologie médicale (MBLG) at the Institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique (IREC). His major research project for the last forty years has been the study of Clostridium difficile, a bacterial species responsible for diarrhea and colitis which has become one of the most frequently isolated bacteria in healthcare associated infections. The two main subjects of the research concern the study of the epidemiology and the laboratory diagnosis. The laboratory acts as the National reference center for C. difficile since 2011 and leads with the national Public Health Institute a surveillance program at the country level. The laboratory is also national reference center for Yersinia. New molecular biology approaches for typing bacteria constitute the primary research topic.

Mr Michel Delmée

Professeur ordinaire émérite

SSS/MEDE  --  Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (MEDE)

Centre Faculté / Bibliothèque
Avenue Mounier 50/B1.50.15
1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert