Welcome to 2IP optical imaging platform
The 2IP multi-user platform was created in 2011 thanks to the sharing of imaging equipment present among the IREC research groups. 2IP gradually acquires new equipment and is now recognized as a UCL platform. 2IP is composed of a research logistician (Caroline Bouzin) and two technicians (Chantal Fregimilicka and Michele De Beukelaer).
2IP offers access to:
Sample preparation services:
- Paraffin & cryo-sectioning
- Histological stainings
- Immunostainings
Image acquisition:
- Slide digitalization in brightfield with a 384 slides capacity scanner (Leica SCN400),
- Structured illumination fluorescence microscopy (Zeiss AxioImager.z1 + ApoTome1 module) which allows optical sections and 3D reconstruction,
- Polarized light microscope (Zeiss Axioskop40),
- Histological scanner (FF-OCT technology; Light-CT scanner from LLTech).
Support for image analysis:
- TissueIA (Leica)
- Author (Visiopharm)
- ImageJ
- Axiovision (Zeiss)