Cell analysis


Cell analysis: FACSCantoII™ and FACSCalibur™


The analyzer BD FACSCantoII™ is one of the most versatile and intuitive flow cytometers thanks to BD FACSDiva™ software that automatically checks the configuration, acquisition and analysis. The automatic and off-line compensation process saves time to researchers. Recorded data can be analyzed in different ways and are easily identified through the hierarchical gates.

User Guide


3 lasers, 8 fluorescences :

  • 405nm: Pacific Blue, H450, BV421 / AmCyan, H500, BV510
  • 488nm: FITC, Alexa-488, GFP, CFSE/ PE / PerCP, PE-Cy5.5, 7-AAD, PI / PE-Cy7
  • 633nm: APC / APC-Cy7, APC-H7





Each researcher can use the instrument after following the course taught by Davide Brusa or demonstrating proficiency in the use of the same device.



  IREC UCL Private
FACSCantoII   20 €/h   30 €/h on request




The BD FACSCalibur™ platform allows users to perform cell analysis and four colours immunophenotype. The system supports a wide variety of research and clinical applications and is complemented by a broad suite of intuitive software solutions to streamline analysis for a wide range of applications.

User guide


2 lasers, 4 fluorescences :

  • 488nm: FITC, Alexa-488, GFP, CFSE/ PE / PerCP, PE-Cy5.5, 7-AAD, PI
  • 633nm: APC


  • Cell cycle (Link1; Link2; Link3)
  • DNA/RNA content
  • Cell proliferation
  • Cell death



Each researcher can use the instrument after following the course taught by Davide Brusa or demonstrating proficiency in the use of the same device.