The Roman villa of Aiano (4th-7th century AD) is one of the most monumental archaeological sites in Northern Etruria, a territory between Volterra Pisa, Florence and Siena. After ten years of archaeological excavations under the direction of prof. Marco Cavalieri, the development of the site, which will end with its opening to the public in 2019, is started: the main objectives are the restoration of the mosaic of the large trilobed room (108 m2) and a 3D graphic rendering of the whole site.
The video illustrates the first results of the 3D rendering of the so-called trefoil room as it was to be in the middle of the fourth century. ap. BC, the best known phase of the residential period of the villa. The restitution, carried out on the basis of archaeological and stratigraphic data shows the wealth of the local - a large reception room - which was characterized by a pavement in opus signinum enriched with a mosaic with geometric and floral decoration.