My main research interests are concerned with:
- Attitude Learning; that is, how people acquire positive or negative feelings about people and objects. More specifically, I'm examining:
• Whether attitudes can be acquired unconsciously (contrary to the dominant social cognition view, my research suggests that they actually can't). Supervision: Adien Mierop.
• The formation of ambivalent attitudes. Co-supervision: Katharina Theresa Berger
• The role of Right-Wing Authoritarianism in De-conditioning. Co-supervision: Amélie Bret
- Food psychology, with a variety of research interests, including the role of:
• Objective and relative economic status. Co-supervision: Almudena Claassen
• Interoceptive awarneness. Co-supervision: Giorgia Zamariola
• Compensatory health beliefs. Supervision: Christophe Vermeulen
• Numeric literacy and nutritional involvement. Co-supervision: Maaartje Mulders
... in food choices