Chemin du Cyclotron 2/L7.01.07
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Matthieu Génévriez
Bouillon, Alisée ; Marin Bujedo, Eduardo ; Génévriez, Matthieu. Direct Laser Cooling of Rydberg Atoms with an Isolated-Core Transition. In: Physical Review Letters, Vol. 132, no.193402-1, p. 193402-6 (2024). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.132.193402.
Marin Bujedo, Eduardo ; Génévriez, Matthieu. Autoionization of high-l core-excited Rydberg states of alkaline-earth-metal atoms. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 108, no.012816-1, p. 012816-15 (2023). doi:10.1103/physreva.108.012816.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Eichmann, U.. Isolated-core quadrupole excitation of highly excited autoionizing Rydberg states. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 107, no.1, p. 012817 (2023). doi:10.1103/physreva.107.012817.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Maxime Holdener ; Carla Kreis ; Frédéric Merkt. Characterization of the electronic ground state of Mg+2 by PFI-ZEKE photoelectron spectroscopy. In: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 385, p. 111591 (2022).
Kreis, C. ; Holdener, M. ; Génévriez, Matthieu ; Merkt, F.. High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of the ground and first excited electronic states of MgKr+. In: Molecular Physics, Vol. 120, no.2152746, p. 1-19 (2022). doi:10.1080/00268976.2022.2152746.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, D. ; Berglitsch, T. ; Merkt, F.. Characterization of the 3dδ Rydberg state of MgAr⁺ using a quantum-control optical scheme. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 104, no.4, p. 042811 (2021). doi:10.1103/physreva.104.042811.
Wehrli, Dominik ; Génévriez, Matthieu ; Knecht, Stefan ; Reiher, Markus ; Merkt, Frédéric. Charge-Transfer-Induced Predissociation in Rydberg States of Molecular Cations: MgAr⁺. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 125, no.31, p. 6681-6696 (2021). doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.1c03859.
Wehrli, Dominik ; Génévriez, Matthieu ; Merkt, Frédéric. Spectroscopic characterization of a thermodynamically stable doubly charged diatomic molecule: MgAr²⁺. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 23, no.18, p. 10978-10987 (2021). doi:10.1039/d1cp00730k.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Rosen, C. ; Eichmann, U.. Structure and electron dynamics of planetary states of Sr below the Sr⁺ 7d and 8p thresholds. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 104, no.1, p. 012812 (2021). doi:10.1103/physreva.104.012812.
Wehrli, Dominik ; Génévriez, Matthieu ; Knecht, Stefan ; Reiher, Markus ; Merkt, Frédéric. Complete characterization of the 3p Rydberg complex of a molecular ion: MgAr⁺. I. Observation of the Mg(3pσ)Ar⁺ B⁺ state and determination of its structure and dynamics. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 153, no.7, p. 074310 (2020). doi:10.1063/5.0015603.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, Dominik ; Merkt, Frédéric. Complete characterization of the 3p Rydberg complex of a molecular ion: MgAr⁺. II. Global analysis of the A⁺ ²Π and B⁺ ²Σ⁺ (3pσ,π) states. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 153, no.7, p. 074311 (2020). doi:10.1063/5.0015608.
Génévriez, Matthieu. Theoretical approaches for doubly-excited Rydberg states in quasi-two-electron systems: two-electron dynamics far away from the nucleus. In: Molecular Physics, Vol. 119, no.7, p. 1-16 (2020). doi:10.1080/00268976.2020.1861353.
Wehrli, D. ; Génévriez, Matthieu ; Merkt, F.. Autoionization rates of core-excited magnesium Rydberg atoms in electric fields using the core fluorescence as a reference. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 100, no.1, p. 012515 (2019). doi:10.1103/physreva.100.012515.
Wehrli, Dominik ; Génévriez, Matthieu ; Kreis, Carla ; Agner, Josef A. ; Merkt, Frédéric. Determination of the Interaction Potential and Rovibrational Structure of the Ground Electronic State of MgAr⁺ Using PFI-ZEKE Photoelectron Spectroscopy. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 124, no.2, p. 379-385 (2019). doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.9b10435.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, Dominik ; Merkt, Frédéric. Experimental and theoretical study of core-excited 3pnd Rydberg series of Mg. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 100, no.3, p. 032517-1 (2019). doi:10.1103/physreva.100.032517.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, D. ; Merkt, F.. High-resolution spectroscopy of the transition of MgAr⁺ by isolated-core multiphoton Rydberg dissociation. In: Molecular Physics, Vol. 118, no.11, p. e1703051 (2019). doi:10.1080/00268976.2019.1703051.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Defrance, Pierre ; Jureta, Jozo ; Urbain, Xavier. Absolute total cross sections for electron-impact double ionization of He(1s2s3S) and He−(1s2s2p4P). In: The European Physical Journal D, Vol. 73, no.2, p. 73-30 (2019). doi:10.1140/epjd/e2018-90566-y.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Dunseath, Kevin M. ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko ; Hibbert, Alan ; Dochain, Arnaud ; Marion, Raphaël ; Urbain, Xavier. Absolute total, partial, and differential cross sections for photodetachment of O−. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 98, no.3, p. 033410-1-14 (2018). doi:10.1103/physreva.98.033410.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, D. ; Agner, J.A. ; Merkt, F.. PFI-ZEKE photoelectron spectroscopy of positively charged ions: illustration with Mg+. In: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 435, no.435, p. 209-216 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2018.10.017.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Dunseath, Kevin M. ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko ; Urbain, Xavier. Sequential double photodetachment of He− in elliptically polarized laser fields. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 97, no.2, p. 023412-1-13 (2018). doi:10.1103/physreva.97.023412.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Jureta, Jozo ; Defrance, Pierre ; Urbain, Xavier. Absolute cross section for electron-impact ionization ofHe(1s2sS3). In: Physical Review A, Vol. 96, no.1, p. 010701-1 - 010701-4 (2017). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.96.010701.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier ; Dochain, Arnaud ; Cyr, Alain ; Dunseath, Kevin M. ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko. One- and two-photon detachment of O−. In: Physical Review A, Vol. 94, no.2, p. 023407-1-023407-11 (2016). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.94.023407.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier. Animated-beam measurement of the photodetachment cross section of H−. In: Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Vol. 91, no.3, p. 033403-1 à 033403-6 (2015). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.033403.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier. Animated-crossed-beam measurement of the photodetachment cross section of H−. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Print), Vol. 635, no.9, p. 092031 (2015). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/635/9/092031.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier ; Cyr, Alain ; Dunseath, Kevin ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko. Two-photon detachment of O−: theory and experiment. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Print), Vol. 635, no.9, p. 092033 (2015). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/635/9/092033.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier ; Brouri, Mohand ; O'Connor, Aodh ; Dunseath, Kevin M. ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko. Experimental and theoretical study of three-photon ionization of He(1s 2p 3Po). In: Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Vol. 89, no. 053430, p. 053430 (30 May 2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.89.053430.
Génévriez, Matthieu. Double Rydberg states of alkaline-earth atoms: two-electron dynamics far from the nucleus. International Conference on Many Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Surfaces (Shanghai, China, du 23/042024 au 26/04/2024).
Génévriez, Matthieu. Two-electron resonances below the double-ionization threshold: Double Rydberg states and correlated electron dynamics. Workshop on Advances in theory of electronic resonance (Telluride, United States of America, du 22/07/2024 au 26/07/2024).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Eichmann, U. Interplay of electronic correlations and electric-quadrupole transitions in the core excitation of Sr Rydberg atoms below the Sr⁺(5g) threshold. International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (Urbana Champaign, USA).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Rosen, C ; Eichmann, U. Planetary states of the Sr atom. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society.
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, Dominik ; Berglitsch, Thomas ; Merkt, Frédéric. Characterization of the Rydberg states of a molecular ion using a quantum-control optical scheme. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society (Hasselt, Belgium).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Wehrli, Dominik ; Berglitsch, Thomas ; Merkt, Frédéric. Double-resonance spectroscopy with a continuum: application to the ²∆ state of MgAr⁺. International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (Urbana Champaign, USA).
Génévriez, Matthieu. Spectroscopy and dynamics of an ion within a Rydberg-electron orbit. Workshop on Cold Rydberg Chemistry (University College London, UK).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Jureta, Jozo ; Defrance, Pierre ; Urbain, Xavier. Absolute cross section for electron-impact ionization of He(1s2s ³S). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANY PARTICLE SPECTROSCOPY OF ATOMS, MOLECULES, CLUSTERS AND SURFACES (Budapest, Hungary).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Jureta, Jozo ; Defrance, Pierre ; Urbain, Xavier. Electron-impact ionization of He(1s2s ³S) and He⁻(1s2s2p ⁴Po). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC ELECTRONIC AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (Cairns, Australia).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier ; Cyr, Alain ; Dunseath, Kevin ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko. The two-photon detachment of O⁻. Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (Riga, Latvia).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Dunseath, Kevin ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko ; Urbain, Xavier. Theoretical and experimental cross sections for the two-photon detachment of O⁻. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society (Liège, Belgium).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier ; Brouri, Mohand ; Dunseath, Kevin ; Terao-Dunseath, Mariko. Three-photon ionization of He(1s2p ³P) and He(1s2s ³S). Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (Lille, France).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier. Experimental and theoretical study of 3-photon ionization of the 1s2p 3Po state of helium. 11th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (Aarhus, Denmark, du 24/06/2013 au 28/06/2013).
Génévriez, Matthieu ; Urbain, Xavier. Experimental and theoretical studyof 3-photon ionization of the 1s2p 3Po state of helium. Belgian Physical Society - General Scientific Meeting (Louvain la Neuve, 22/05/2013).
Génévriez, Matthieu. Photon- and electron-induced ionization of metastable helium and light anions, prom. : Urbain, Xavier, 22/09/2017.